Attended the Bay Day celebration at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels yesterday as an Earth Day activity. It was a nice chance to see the museum and visit the dozens of exhibitors at the fair. The Scales and Tales program from the Maryland DNR stole the show with its exhibit of several rescued hawks and owls. (That's an American Kestrel staring at you in the attached image). There were also exhibitors from NOAA, windmill providers, and various local organizations. Very useful were exhibits from the Maryland Native Plant Society and the Adkins Arboretum which had information about planting native plants in our garden to benefit indigenous birds and insects. While talking with a representative of the Talbot Count Creekwatchers about the differences between the Riverkeepers and the Creekwatchers, she made the very noteworthy observation that if there was less fragmentation amongst the various environmental groups, perhaps they would have more clout.
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