Sunday, May 18, 2008

Canoe and Rescue Training at Jug Bay

Had a memorable time this Saturday attending Canoe and Rescue training at the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary on the Patuxent. I volunteer at the Sanctuary as a canoe guide and the training was a great opportunity to hone old skills and learn new ones. Frank Marsden, a Certified Instructor with the American Canoe Association, led the class. Bringing his 20 years of experience, Mr. Marsden taught the assembled volunteers methods to improve paddling techniques, safety protocols, and guiding tips.

The floods of last week (see the previous posting) also impacted Jug Bay. A massive debris field of downed trees, cattail stalks, hundreds of discarded bottles and other sundry trash had piled along the upstream side of our pier. It was a sad sight and an opportunity for another cleanup. But today that would have to wait as we focused on the canoe training. We finally had a marvelous day – sunny, dry, and in the 70’s. Setting out, we paddled our canoes up to the Western Branch of the Patuxent. After practicing various paddle strokes and techniques we went ashore to eat lunch and prepare for getting really wet.

In the afternoon we got back on the river, and below the centuries old Mt Calvert House and Archeological Park, we practiced rescue drills. We took turns dumping ourselves into the river and then being rescued by the other guides. While a rare occurrence – I’ve only seen one canoe capsize in a dozen years of leading trips at Jug Bay – the lessons were an excellent refresher. And even with the cold early season water temperatures, everyone enthusiastically participated.

After everyone had a chance to rescue and be rescued we headed back in, savoring the great weather. The successfully training session got everyone into great spirits to kick-off another canoe season at Jug Bay.

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