Just got back from trying to remove a couple of patches of English Ivy that's gotten loose in the woods along a road near my neighborhood. I figured someone needs to do something before it spreads deep into the forest. English Ivy is a pretty ornamental when controlled around homes, but I've seen what it can do when it gets loose; in Whitemarsh Park is Bowie almost every tree is covered in ivy and the forest is slowly being smothered.
What I didn't expect was the size of the vines growing up the trees. I had only brought small pruning shears. I was able to attack the vines on several smaller trees and yank them down, but on two of the big trees the main vines were 1 to 2 inches in diameter. I could see seeds ripening high on on of the climbing vines, just waiting to sow more havoc. I'm going to have to go back with a saw to tackle these viny brutes.